Saturday, July 25, 2009

Emo hair! Help!?

Ohk ya I kno wut ur gonna say "bla bla bla BAD EMO emo is bad grrrrr"

U kno I really dont care!


Ya but I want my hair cut so it looks more "emo" but Im not real sure what "emo" cut is right for the shape of my face!

Im posting a pic of me below.........Its not very good but ya..........(I have no make-up on blegh!)

But ya please I dont have time for critism! The 2 weeks thing??? Ya not gonna happen! Imgetting it cut TODAY!

Please please please! HELP ME!

Thanx soooo much!


Frankie :D

here is the pic btw (not the best pic for hair but its all I have :( )

Emo hair! Help!?

how about one of these? [just uploaded the pic 4 u]

i like the 1st one best

Emo hair! Help!?

Try to keep it long(shoulder-length at least) and put some something like purple or silver highlight streaks into it...also try to make it cover part of the eyes...

Emo hair! Help!?

im an emo i just got it cut over my eye and my hairs already naturally dark so yeh just get a fringe over you're eye =)hehe

Emo hair! Help!?

you are not emo but a media driven goth dillution.

yeah cos music has never been emotional before now has it

Reference:1000's of years of teenage angst exept you're being made to pay for it - although i spose that enough to make anyone p1ssed off!


Emo hair! Help!?

i hope that works i made it for you

please tell me if it works okay it took me ages okay



Emo hair! Help!?

I know you wre prob expecting people to come and slag off emos....and I will do so with great pleasure...

Get a life, emos look like homeless wankers...

Emo hair! Help!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Emo Hairstyles

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